Dependencies jQuery & dash; This is a jQuery plugin so you’ll (obviously) need jQuery included. Auto-complete – You’ll need some kind of an auto-complete plugin. There’s an adapter written for the jQuery UI Autocomplete plugin but you can also use your own. Installation Be sure to include the dependencies and then the selectToAutocomplete plugin. Now you simply need to call the ‘.selectToAutocomplete’ function on a jQuery selection once the DOM is ready. For example, to turn all select elements with a class of turn-to-ac, you’d simply need to call: jQuery(function() jQuery(‘select.turn-to-ac’).selectToAutocomplete();); If you just want to use the default configuration and the jQuery UI Autocomplete plugin then this is it. Otherwise, check below too see how you can …

See original article taken from here:

Redesigning the Country Selector – Labs – Baymard Institute