Tag: profiling

Web Profiler in Drupal 8

Profiling your site is extremely useful not only for debugging and performance testing but also for learning about how your site handles requests. Symfony 2 comes with a bundle (like a Drupal module but for Symfony) called WebProfiler Bundle which collects information about each request made to your application and allows you to visualize it in the browser. Drupal 8 doesn’t include the Web Profiler bundle in core. However, there already is a contrib module for it. Make sure to install any dependencies before enabling the module. The module will render a fixed bar at the bottom of each page for users with the View webprofiler toolbar permission. The bar provides a summary of the collected data from the profiler. By clicking on any of the items, you …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Web Profiler in Drupal 8

Web Profiler | Drupal.org

Port of the Symfony WebProfiler Bundle as a Drupal 8 module. Dependencies D3.js library, download here and put d3.min.js into libraries/d3 directly into the docroot highlight.js, download here and put highlight.pack.js and idea.css into /libraries/highlight directly into the docroot Implemented collectors Asset Blocks Cache Config Database Extension (Modules and Themes) Form Memory PhpConfig Request Routing State Timeline User Views See more at: http://www.wellnet.it/en/blog/porting-symfony-web-profiler-bundle-drupal-8 Warning Web profiler 8.x-1.x-dev is maintained aligned to the current Drupal 8 HEAD, probably it doesn’t work with any alpha versions. From Drupal 8.x-alpha11 we provide a release aligned to the current Drupal 8 alpha version.

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Web Profiler | Drupal.org

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