Tag: SMToolbox

SMToolbox: Bringing Together SEO, Social and Content Marketing with gShift

It is clear there is a very strong and growing relationship between search and social. The future of SEO and social is also closely tied to content marketing, which we can see through terms such as social content, content SEO and social content marketing. This week in SMToolbox I take a look at gShift, a tool that embraces search, content marketing and social. Background The gShift SaaS platform collects and stores both social and search data, as the team recognized early on that to improve the performance of content you need to look at both elements. Currently they analyze data for over 10,000 brands and have over 350 agency clients across 22 countries. The aim of the gShift platform is to provide agencies and brand marketers with insights to help…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

SMToolbox: Bringing Together SEO, Social and Content Marketing with gShift

SMToolbox: Creating Narrative from Noise with Bottlenose Social Analytics

Social analytics has been in the news again with Twitter’s recent acquisition of Gnip. There appears to be a consensus that hidden within the mass of social data are insights that can provide companies with a competitive edge. However, drawing out these insights is not easy despite the range of social analytics tools that exist. This week in SMToolbox, I am looking at how you can develop insights with Bottlenose, which brings a refreshing and sophisticated approach to real time social analytics.One of the things I liked when talking to Bottlenose was their aim to create narratives from noise. At one level Bottlenose is similar to other tools in that it aims to spot social trends, track interests, measure conversations, analyze keywords and identify …

See original article taken from here:

SMToolbox: Creating Narrative from Noise with Bottlenose Social Analytics

Also published on Medium.

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